• 2002 August 19

Company Description

Cloud Computing services provider

ANS Group (Ambey Network Systems Pvt. Ltd.) is ISO 9001:2008 certified company providing “Web Based On Demand Information Integration Solutions”. Business integration is achieved through information integration for which information exchanges are built by us and made a part of the ANS India Cloud. The ANS Cloud works on t\he priciples of harnessing t\he distributed computing po\wer of Grids with multi media including video and voice shared seamlessly over secure architecture. ANS Group is offering its cloud in three modes: 1. Exchanges (community cloud): that are easily understood and related to by con\ventional businesses. Resources are shared in pay per use mode dri\ving down the costs for indi\vidual businesses and consumers of ser\vices. To dri\ve up the usage various Online ser\vices and transaction platforms have been proposed that work in pay per use mode (per transaction or per subscription). 2. Dedicated Private Cloud (Proposed Security & Intelligence Xchange): In this case the entire cloud comprising of networks, computing, support systems and logistics will be owned by security establishment of the country. 3. Public Cloud: A stagnant business leveraged cloud computing to increase its revenue by 100% through geographic expansion that would not have been possible in an Obscure service like valuation in a short period of 2 years with one year (2009) in recession. Increase in net profit was 50%. The revenue share targeted by ANS is 30% of the incremental re\venue achieved by ABA. The revenue share applicability may change from domain to domain. The evolution of cloud has also seen our business models evolve with it. ANS