2014 March 01
Company Description
Stock Market Research & Analysis
AlphaPitch.com provides stock market research & analysis to help investors make more informed buy/sell decisions — the source for new investment ideas. Company Overview: AlphaPitch is Market Powered Real-time Stock Research and Analysis. It was designed for investors to publish content easily and readers to access real-time insights quickly. The platform is designed for investors who have little time for biased institutional reports or inflammatory message boards. Long-Pitch and Short-Pitch: This section of the company page lists Reasons to Buy/Sell. The community votes if the answer is a good long or short pitch supported by facts/data. Burning Q&As: Community based Q&A for investors looking for answers about companies. AlphaBlips: These are short statements less than 140 characters in total, which are first glance insights that are about the length of this bullet. Other: The company page also provides a short description, list of competitors, catalysts, risks to the company and target price. User Profile Page: This page records activity such as who is following you and who you are following. The page also summarizes all the contributions (Long/Short Pitches, AlphaBlips, Comments, etc).
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March 1, 2014 -
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