• 2003

Company Description

Technology Recruiting & HR Focus

Allen Partners offers employment intelligence as a means to attract, manage and motivate talent streams. Founded by Debbie Oberbillig in 2003, Allen Partner's four practice groups are designed to provide targeted talent optimization services for companies of all sizes and industries both in the Pacific Northwest as well as nationally. Talent Intelligence Practice: Allen Partners teams with companies in a full human resources capacity complementing existing internal processes and resources In the areas of outsourced recruitment, human resources consulting, benefits audit and administration, complicance, training and development, policy development and deployment, campus recruiting, employee branding, and HRIS/ATS implementation. Technology Practice From product development to data protection to IT infrastructure, our clients have diverse technical needs, all of which are mission critical. Allen Partners works closely with start-ups and established companies. Our recruiters know the market, know our clients' competitors and know where to find and how to deliver the best talent.