Company Description
Alenty is an ad visibility platform offering solutions for advertisers and agencies to measure and optimize online branding marketing.
Alenty provides the first system that **measures** and **optimizes online branding advertising**. An ad is seen only when: - it is visible on the screen - someone is watching the screen Alenty measures if ads are actually seen and how long. Alenty tells advertisers and their agencies if the campaign had an efficient exposition. Advertisers get at last an **ROI measure for their display advertising** campaigns. Agencies know **what triggers to pull to enhance their campaigns**. Alenty helps ad-networks and websites to **maximize the ad revenue** by building a premium offer designed for branding campaigns. Test our demo: [Alenty's ad visibility measurement system] (http://www.alenty.com/xwiki/bin/view/Demo/BannerExposure)
Data and Analytics -
2007 -
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18, rue Yves ToudicParisFrance -
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