Company Description

Alberta's leadership in agriculture, forestry and life sciences research and technology grew from our innovative spirit and our

Alberta's leadership in agriculture, forestry and life sciences research and technology grew from our innovative spirit and our unparalleled access to tremendous renewable bio-resources. And when the 'bioeconomy' was still a buzz word, Alberta was already developing new opportunities and attracting world talent. Now, our work is capturing the attention of organizations everywhere seeking sustainable solutions. But we're not stopping there. Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions is embracing and supporting new technologies and the creation of new ideas for the growing global bioeconomy. We're delivering on the potential of agriculture and forestry in areas such as: value chain sustainability, advancing the biorefinery, quality food for health, industry challenges and emerging opportunities, and prion and prion-like protein misfolding diseases. And we're strengthening our ability to develop new sustainability practices, new natural products for world markets and economic opportunities attracting international investment. Alberta aims to be a global gateway and resource for bio-based research, talent, investment and solutions. And we're working with our partners to make it happen hereā€¦to realize Alberta's potential to create the next generation of bio solutions.