• 2007

Company Description

Aka Aki is a German-based mobile social networking site that allows users to discover and connect with other users.

Aka Aki is a Germany-based mobile social networking site that wants to let users discover and connect with members as they go about their days. They have two different versions of the site, a mobile version and a web version. The web version has all the standard features like profiles, friends and messaging, but, the mobile version is much different with its Bluetooth-sensing capabilities. The mobile version uses a combination of Bluetooth, GPS and WiFi spots to find similar users within your area and alerts you via your mobile device. You can then use you device to view their profiles and connect with them. For instance, you could be at a grocery store, restaurant or party and find people to connect with. This could be good for finding strangers with common interests but it would probably be better for running into friends you didn't know were going to be in the area. If your mobile Bluetooth connection is activated, with no particular application running, you can be detected by other members while you're on the move, and check afterwards who you've met. You can also know which members came at a given location (bar, etc.) in the past. The mobile version's Bluetooth-sensing capabilities does put it at risk to open connection attacks and unwanted solicitations. Other mobile social networks include [MocoSpace](http://www.crunchbase.com/organization/mocospace), [Loopt](http://www.techcrunch.com/tag/loopt), [Zyb](http://www.crunchbase.com/organization/zyb) and [Facebook](http://www.crunchbase.com/organization/facebook).