• 2013 January 11

Company Description

User Experience Augmented Reality Platform - Designed to Create Memories Within Existing Environment

Airvirtise is an Augmented Reality platform that supports the placement of custom content (2D graphics, 3D graphics, Video & Interactive applications) based on predefined longitude, latitude and altitude coordinates. The augmented content then provides a new experience within an existing environment and also accumulates valuable market engagement and human interaction data. Airvirtise has created a new, ubiquitous world of opportunity, that could not only be seen but also interacted with through the use of mobile and wearable technology. Airvirtise prides itself on being a user experience focused medium that provides users infinite variability to environments they are often well aware of. By creating a digital medium with digital content that is anchored to latitude, longitude, altitude coordinates and is only visible through the eyes of technology, they provide brands with a new form of Transmedia story telling and developers a chance to make applications that disrupt the pattern of our day-to-day interaction with the real world.