Company Description

Airlogica is dedicated to serving the international airline industry with an emphasis on global distribution.

Airlogica is dedicated to serving the international airline industry with an emphasis on global distribution. With offices in North America, Europe and Australia and clients on 5 continents, Airlogica is well placed to help airlines in all parts of the world. Growth has been rapid because of the results achieved by their airline customers. As a relatively small company, Airlogica is very much organic in structure. This is seen as essential in order to perform flexible tasks in the ever-changing travel industry. They see theirselves the leader in distribution software and consultancy and they approach each new opportunity to serve additional customers with enthusiasm. They derive great satisfaction in helping airlines save money, and watching their users strategic options increase in the management of distribution costs. Airlogica offers airlines a PC based solution that is affordable, reliable, state of the art, easy to use and maintain, and extremely flexible. Their software is developed so that changing business needs can be accommodated easily (at little or no cost). This allows airlines to define their own unique business rules, providing optimal adaptability. This is extremely important in a volatile environment where business needs are constantly changing. Their software is designed so that business users can make changes promptly to satisfy immediate business requirements. This can be done directly without the need for vendor or programmer assistance. They offer products that supply a complete management solution to distribution problems. Airlines choose Airlogica's software because of the quality of their products, proven results globally, free evaluation period, an affordable one-time license fee and priority customer service.

  • Manufacturer:

    Information Technology
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  • Company Address:

    c/o David Harms,Suite 199 , 3522 Ashford Dunwoody Road
    Atlanta, GA
    United States
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