• 1998

Company Description

Airborne 1 is the offspring of a consulting engagement with the Center for Technological Innovation, a joint venture.

Airborne 1 is the offspring of a consulting engagement with the Center for Technological Innovation, a joint venture between the National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and IC2, the premier business incubator and technology transfer program in the United States. The goal was simple: by taking lessons learned from NASA's very successful Tech Transfer program, the sister agency NOAA had a successful model to follow. Their contract called for us to explore the commercialization of LiDAR. With thousands of sites and tens of millions of acres collected and processed, They're well on Their way to fulfilling Their plans for a national rollout. Their Customers are firms from around the globe who create and/or solicit for topographic maps and data. Map creators include Land Surveying firms, as well as Photogrammetry, Civil Engineering, Utility, Construction, and Cartographic service providers. In addition, there are numerous agencies at all levels of government active in the field, as well as a variety of end-users capable of ingesting LiDAR data, including mining, forestry, oil & gas, utilities, and telecommunications. Their Customers are as excited as They are about the benefits of LiDAR. These are discussed in detail in the section, Why Airborne 1. It won’t take long for you to see why 30 years and many tens of millions of dollars have been invested in LiDAR. They believe that Their relationships with strategic partners are critically important to Their success. One of the great challenges in mounting a successful laser mapping effort is the cross-functional complexity of many normally unrelated activities. Their approach has been to align with the best-in-class for each of the critical disciplines. They are currently building relationships with selected firms in a wide variety of function areas. If you or your firm might be interested in joining us on Their journey, They'd like to talk to you.

  • Manufacturer:

    Information Technology
  • Formed:

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  • Company Address:

    300 North Sepulveda Boulevard Suite 1060
    El Segundo, CA
    United States
  • We recognize our sponsors starting at $1 per entry.
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