• 2012 May 30

Company Description

AGORA NEXT TELEFONICA OPEN FUTURE_ is the first global tourism innovation program, a hub from Telefónica, which is a strategic partner.

Agoranext is a businesss group dedicated to invest in innovative technology companies in the Tourism vertical including companies from their Startup phase. It has fund managers and experts with considerable experience on: Travel & Tourism Service, Hotels & Hospitality, Ecommerce, IOT, Big Data, Digital Communication, Mobile applications, and AI and virtual reality. * International Expansion of Digital Transformation and Innovative solutions within hotels and the Tourism sector with focus on Ibie AGORA NEXT TELEFONICA OPEN FUTURE_ is the first global tourism innovation program, a hub from Telefónica, which is a strategic partner, and is oriented towards companies and entrepreneurs on this vertical, who aspire to become a world reference of Travel tech & Tourism 5.0. (1) The Global Tourism Innovation Summit: 8/9th of June 2017 will be the 3rd edition and numerous countries and cities asked for similar partner events hosted by AGORA NEXT TELEFONICA OPEN FUTURE_ The event will be attended by a long list of spanish high level executives from hotel chains, airlines, public employees, ministers, economists, entrepreneurs and investors talking about innovation and digital transformation of the travel ecosystem. Please check the video of last years edition: [VIDEO] https://youtu.be/-oJRXK7GP2o (2) Crowdworking AGORA NEXT TELEFONICA OPEN FUTURE_ Own space operated for TELEFONICA OPEN FUTURE_ with the mission to become a collaborative centre for the promotion of knowledge and innovation under a participatory approach where Startups can make their project grow. Entrepreneurs have been selected to receive the necessary training and mentoring to grow with the support from the experts of the hub and the Telefónica Open Future ecosystem (Wayra, Talentum, Think Big, Amérigo, Telefónica Ventures, among others). (3) Hub AGORA NEXT TELEFONICA OPEN FUTURE_ will be the centre to develop own touristic projects or in collaboration with 3rd parties (tourism groups, consulting companies, telcos etc.). [VIDEO] https://youtu.be/JKgLEYZupRs (4) AGORA NEXT VENTURES and IT HOLDING is a Venture Capital fund which invests in travel startups in pre-seed, seed and growth stage with a high growth potential basically in Europe and the US. [VIDEO EN] https://youtu.be/MeTEnwEgI9E [VIDEO SP] https://youtu.be/Rw98CXnsS-M Details Company: http://www.agoranext.org Palma de Mallorca , Balearic Island Spain 2012 65 employment Startups, Travel Tech & Smart Tourism, Funding y VR AR , AI , IoT