• 2012

Company Description

Agnitio is an education technology company looking to develop innovative products to enhance the learning experience of students.

Agnitio is engaged in exploring technology enabled opportunities to transform schools into a more connected student-centric communities. We believe in “Think education, Act technology” and creatively looking at identifying avenues where technology can help in making schools a better and fun place for students. In conventional wisdom, the classroom is for listening to teachers while doing homework and practice assignment alone but the future of education is envisioned as flipped classroom wherein classroom are the places where the action is and self learning supplemented by peer to peer learning is for absorbing and listening. It has become imperative for education enthusiasts to look at ways to leverage technology to enhance learning experience for students of digital age who live in an ever evolving outside environment. This is being seen in light of education moving away from large-scale prescriptive approaches to a more individualized and custom approaches. Technology is being increasingly seen as an opportunity to create a more personalized learning environment for students delivering what they require, when they require it and how they require it. This is seen as a classical case of “Blended Learning” wherein classroom teaching is being augmented and supplemented by guided self learning and peer to peer interaction outside the classroom. Technology sits at the heart of making the blended learning model work effectively. We at Agnitio are working towards leveraging technology to create a unique and personalized learning experience for students in a blended environment.