• 2010

Company Description

Striving to keep adventurers, urbanites, athletes, moms and lovers connected. Agloves are America's #1 rated TOUCHSCREEN GLOVE

Envisioned and created by Boulder-based outdoor enthusiasts with a scientific bent, Agloves are everyday knit gloves reinvented for a touch screen world. The Agloves team did not simply 'improve' on existing touch screen gloves, but instead studied capacitive screen functionality to make an impressive new design. Hint: 'Ag' is the symbol for silver on the periodic table and is the most conductive element. Silver fibers are knitted throughout the entire glove, not just on the fingertips providing many benefits: Precise texting. Touch screen gloves should let you text with precision and accuracy. Agloves do. Snug fingertips and lightweight design let users text and type at normal speed. All 10. Why settle for two or three fingers when you have 10? Agloves wearers can type with all 10 fingers on full screen keyboards like iPads. Warm. Can lightweight gloves be warm? Yes. Silver-coated nylon evens out temperatures in your hand and traps your bodyâ€:tm:s own heat inside the gloves. If you participate in outdoor sports such as skiing, we recommend that you use Agloves as a glove liner. Glove Science. Capacitive touch screens work because tiny amounts of moisture, salts, and oils on your skin allow electrons to flow between you and your device. With Agloves, the bioelectricity from the palm of your hand flows through the glove to your fingertips to maintain your connection. Elegant. Straight forward style. Black is the new black. -------- QUICK LOOK -- Agloves have been sold in 43 countries with Web site views from more than 100 countries since its launch, September 29, 2010. registered: A pair of gloves is purchased about every 4 minutes, on average. registered: Agloves (as of right now) have a 5-star review on their Web site. registered: In a comparative touch screen review, Agloves outperformed other models in Accuracy, words per minute, and control. ( http://tinyurl.com/394c546 ) Buyer Survey Feedback - 100% of those surveyed said their overall Agloves experience was either 'awesome' or 'pretty darn good.' - When asked if Agloves performed as expected, 94% of respondents said Agloves perform 'perfect' or 'pretty darn good.' Agloves have been featured on GIZMODO, The New York Times, LifeHacker, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, Inc. Magazine, ELLE Magazine, Fox Business news and TV media outlets across the country. MSNBC.com included Agloves in their '10 Gadgets That Wage War On Winter'. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40482350/ns/technology_and_science-tech_and_gadgets/40363047 - 'Most likely the best investment among your touch screen device accessory portfolio.' Talk2MyShirt http://www.talk2myshirt.com/blog/archives/4696