• 2006

Company Description

search engine

Aglepie is a search engine providing website owners with a system to add their links to the search engine. Internet users can then type keywords into the search box to find result pages containing those links. The basic concept behind Aglepie is that any search result page is basically a piece of real estate. We provide our members with the posibility to own these search result pages. A result page also called a 'PiePage' is created by a website owner. The name of the piepage is the same as the search query that was typed in by the user. So when a user search for 'aglepie' they will find the piepage named 'aglepie'. On joining a website owner will receive free piepages. They can use these to create (name) new piepages. The position of the website owner who created the piepage, will always be on top. So when users search for'aglepie' they will find the link of the website owner, in this case aglepie.com, on top. This link is called a 'blue piead'. The website owner can add text, but also images, videos, tweets etc. to their piead. This information can be updated any time the website owner wants. If other website owners want to place their link on a piepage they did not create, they have to settle with a “white piead” on that page. The difference between the two, blue pieads are permanent and always stay on top of the page while white pieads move op a list according to their most recent update. If the piepage name is a trademark of your company, you can turn that piepage into a trademark piepage. This means that you alone can place links on that piepage. You can further personalize your trademark piepages by adding a background image. Members who do not have a trademark, can turn a piepage that contains their website url, into a trademark piepage. For example, “aglepie.com” can become a trademark piepage, but so can “aglepie.com/our-favorite-websites/”. As long as its one continues word with your domain name in it, you can turn it into a trademark piepage. There is great freedom when creating piepages and pieads, members are only limited by their creativity and a few rules to keep it all honest.