• 2010

Company Description

A trusted and personalized search experience that ranks based on the focus and trustworthiness of the website

Agingo a gives people the ability to control their search results based on trust. It’s personalized, visual, and a simpler view of the Internet that directs people directly to their most trusted brands. With Agingo, users discover and trust domain names through an app store like experience we call “Domain Guides”. Domain Guides are organized using our patent pending ranking technology that catalogs domain names based on their focus and trustworthiness. The more focused and trusted a domain name is, the higher it ranks to the user and in our platform generally. When a user searches the Internet in Agingo, our search results will be reordered or highlighted so the domain names a users trusts the most appear at the top. With Agingo, users get more of what they want while ensuring trusted brands get the most customer attention.