• 2006 March 01

Company Description

Aegis Mobile specializes in providing program compliance and merchant fraud detection services to various industries worldwide since 2006.

Aegis Mobile specializes in providing program compliance and merchant fraud detection services to various industries worldwide since 2006. Our state-of-the-art solutions for carriers, mobile billers, aggregators, content providers, regulators, key industry organizations and app stores have significantly helped reduce fraudulent activity within the mobile and online ecosystem. We are a recognized leader in vendor background investigation with unmatched experience in intelligence gathering, data analysis and uncovering deceptive business practices. Our expert compliance and fraud investigators have reduced fraudulent activity across multiple organizations, resulting in the removal of these merchants from our client’s networks, assessment of regulatory penalties and have provided assistance and material evidence in legal proceedings. Some of our clients include Verizon Wireless, Sprint, Optus and CWTA. Why Aegis? • Most experienced compliance team in the industry • Non-biased 3rd party monitoring of your mobile ecosystem • Proven, sophisticated yet easy-to-use 3rd generation proprietary workflow, notification and testing tools used throughout the mobile ecosystem • Commitment to confidentiality • Highly proactive approach to provide timely results