2008 February 01
Company Description
WebHost4Life offers shared website hosting solutions, domain name registrations, VPS hosting and other online services to individuals.
9thPeriod.com is a global academic network with a new and exciting set of Web 2.0 tools that employs the latest in social networking and social media in an academic network. 9thPeriod.com and The University of Georgia have recently partnered on 9thPeriod.comâ€:tm:s largest implementation to date putting 9thPeriod.com one step closer to its global goal of Making Education Socialâ„¢. The University of Georgia is one of the 50 largest public institutions in the United States. 9thPeriod.com will connect over 35,000 educators and students together in a community of learning at the University of Georgia, leveraging integration with FacebookÂ:registered:, TwitterÂ:registered:, the iPhoneÂ:registered:, and GoogleÂ:registered:. 9thPeriod.com allows The University of Georgia community to create academic profiles, including their academic interests and class schedules. Academic profiles are then used to connect students and educators with others around campus who have similar interests or are taking the same classes, thereby extending education beyond the walls of the classroom and into the world of academic and social networking.
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February 1, 2008 -
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Atlanta, GAUnited States -
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