Company Description
8020 Publishing is a media company that allows online communities to take an active role in creating its final print magazines.
8020 Publishing is a media company that allows online communities to take an active role in creating its final print magazines. They have currently have two magazines JPG and the yet-to-launch Everywhere. They let their online users handle the heavy role of creating the content. They also let them critique and vote on the print content. However, 8020 Publishing still fills normal publishing roles like choosing themes, putting the magazines together and providing the final vote on all published content. Their editors act more like curators letting their contributors the online communities provide the raw content. Taking this approach has provided them with a built-in magazine subscription audience not to mention two loyal online communities. It has even led to them [receiving two](http://www.circman.com/viewmedia.asp?prmMID=3180&prmID=1) industry awards in 2007, Circulation Innovation of the Year and Best Use of Viral Marketing for Audience Development. 8020 Publishing took over JPG in June 2006 and gave it a new website and updated the magazine in September 2006. In the seven months since relaunch they have reached a 15,000 paid circulation, 75,000 registered members and 5 million online pageviews per month. JPG was originally launched in September 2004 by founders Derek and Heather Powazek. They used [Flickr](http://www.crunchbase.com/organization/flickr) for community discussions, Gmail for submissions, Notifylist for the mailing list, and Lulu for printing issues 1-6. 8020 Publishing entered the Deadpool in January 2009. In an email to friends, CEO Mitchell Fox wrote: “In the face of these extraordinary economic times, in a devastated advertising climate, we can no longer continue to operate the business due to lack of funds, and hence we have to close 8020 Media effective immediately. There is no doubt that our company has done what no others have yet to do…that is, prove that the web and print can work effectively together, one supporting the other. Weâ€ve also proven that community generated media CAN be a powerful thing…and it can create spectacular media. The riddle of having a sound web platform support that drives interactivity with a print product has been solved, however, none of us could have predicted the global economic collapse weâ€ve witnessed in the past few months. So our timing to grow the business and bring it to profitability through even the smallest amount of additional funding could not have been worse. So, while we sit here at the precipice of profitability, the negative marketplace forces are too strong to overcome, and we must take this regrettable action. It remains undeniable that the publishing industry MUST find a new model, and mass collaboration and participation in the media property is certainly now proven it can be the foundation of this new model (NOTE: This is NOT citizen journalism). Weâ€ve cracked the code on marshaling a community around a media property online and in print….and helping them become active , loyal, and engaged participants in both. We do owe a debt of thanks to Minor Ventures for believing in us, and funding us to this point and to have even given us a chance to make this business successful, and for that confidence weâ€ll always be grateful.†In February 2009, the assets of 8020 Publishing LLC (dba 8020 Media) were acquired by 8020 Media, Inc., a new entity established to revive JPG (Mag) and Everywhere, for an undisclosed amount. Since the acquisition, JPG has released 6 new issues (via print-on-demand partnership with HP division MagCloud) and grown its registered user community to nearly 260,000. With over 2 million uploaded photos and nearly 500,000 global unique visitors, JPG has continued to raise the bar on the quality of digital photography shared online. JPG has added the ability to submit mobile photos, news and info. and has launched a highly addictive 'versus' head-to-head photo matchup, providing new ways for the community to interact.
Media and Entertainment -
2006 -
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101 Convention Center Drive ,, Suite 700Las Vegas, NVUnited States -
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